Conservation Alert Status
What This Means For Our Customers

BLUE: Normal Water Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Apply
Eliminate known leaks
New plumbing fixtures to be low water use
Eliminate sprinkler runoff and overwatering
Prohibit outdoor watering between 9am to 5pm
Limit watering cycles to 10 minute duration maximum
Only use hand buckets to wash vehicles

GREEN: Increased Voluntary Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Continue and are increased by:
Customers are asked to limit their outdoor wateringto Odd & Even days of the week
Based on the last digits of their home address
Fix reported leaks within 72 hours

YELLOW: Extraordinary Water Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Continue And Are Increased By:
Customers Are Asked To Minimize Indoor Water Use & Limit Landscape Watering
To No More Than 3 Days Per Week April Through October (Summer).
Odd-Numbered Addresses May Water: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Even Numbered Addresses May Water: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
To No More Than 2 Days Per Week November through March (Winter)
Odd-Numbered Addresses May Water: Tuesday, Saturday.
Even Numbered Addresses May Water: Wednesday, Sunday

ORANGE: Rationing Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Continue and are increased by:
Customers are required to minimize indoor water use and severely limit outdoor
water use. Landscape irrigation is limited to no more than 2 days per week
Odd Numbered Addresses may water: Tuesday, Saturday
Even Numbered Addresses may water: Wednesday, Sunday
Fix reported leaks within 48 hours
Vehicle washing with bucket only

RED: Critical Water Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Continue and are increased by:
Customers are required to minimize indoor water use and further limit outdoor
water use. Landscape irrigation is limited to no more than 1 day per week

PURPLE: Emergency Water Conservation
Standard Conservation Practices Continue and are increased by:
Customers are required to minimize indoor water use and curtail outdoor watering
Supplies are only available for health & safety
Fix reported leaks within 24 hours
Conserving water helps to preserve our environment. Reducing our water usages reduces the energy required to process and deliver it to homes, businesses, farms, and communities, which, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources
Since 71% of the earth is covered in water, some people can’t help but wonder: Why should we conserve? Here are a few important facts about water on this planet from the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation:
- Ninety-seven percent of all water on the earth is salt water, which is not suitable for drinking.
- Only 3% of water on Earth is fresh water, and only 0.5% is available for drinking.
- The other 2.5% of fresh water is locked in ice caps, glaciers, the atmosphere, soil, or under the earth’s surface, or is too polluted for consumption.
Available Rebates
Southern California Water$mart
3800 Watt Ave., Suite 105
Sacramento, CA 94821
1 (888) 376-3314